Apr 4, 2018 | Spring 2018 Newsletters
By: Robin E. Largent Partner, Carothers DiSante & Freudenberger, LLP Curious what the California Legislature is cooking up for employers in the Golden State this year? I can tell you it isn’t pretty. Here’s a list of notable bills (almost all of which are...
Mar 27, 2018 | Spring 2018 Newsletters
By: Michael Snead Each year, a State of California agency called the Employment Training Panel or “ETP,” awards up to $100 million dollars to California-based companies to reimburse costs of job skills training. In July, this amount will grow to $110 million. ETP...
Mar 27, 2018 | Spring 2018 Newsletters
By: Helen Horyza About a month ago, Tom returned to work at a mid-sized engineering firm after a five-year period of retirement. He was bored and missed the challenges of work. He came back on a Tuesday and a management meeting was underway. He expected things to run...