Frequently Asked Questions

Suspension as Discipline

Question: We want to suspend an employee to get his attention.  What do you think? John has been late a number of times over the last six months. His supervisor has given him a verbal warning, and a written warning. He’s been warned that one more tardy this month...

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Leaving Early

Question:  We have several hourly employees who work eight hours per day.  Currently they take a one-hour meal period after working four hours.  The employees would prefer to take a 30- minute meal period and leave 30 minutes earlier.  Is this permitted? Answer: ...

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Layoffs – UGH!

Question:  We have to cut expenses significantly – and it’s come down to reducing headcount. What should we consider? Answer: From time to time employers are challenged with cutting payroll expenses. So what should you consider when you have to make that tough...

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Silvers HR is a Sacramento based Human Resources Management company specializing in HR policy development, management training, employee assessments, compensation and benefit program design, employee attraction and retention programs, and performance management programs. For companies looking to outsource their Human Resources department, we offer all the services but none of the overhead of hiring a full-time Human Resources employee. Silvers HR – California HR Services and Consulting.



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