The ongoing court battles over who is responsible for ensuring an employee takes his/her meal break within the required time continues to rage on in California. In our last newsletter we told you about a significant decision (Hernandez v. Chipotle Mexican Grill)...
Employees Using your Technology – Set the Limits
By Kim Silvers, SPHR-CA Several recent employment related court cases have set out the standards for employers who allow employees to use company technology resources (email, texts, voice mail, social media, etc.). In this day, everyone uses some technology and the...
How To Do More With Fewer Employees…
By Tina Angell, Owner Roseville/Granite Bay Office “I have learned to do so much with so little, I am able to do everything with nothing.” ~Anonymous When a business is facing challenging times, as is the case for many right now, they inevitably have...
Take a Seat – There’s More Coming…
By Kim Silvers, SPHR-CA A new twist has been added to the California employment scene. Employers who are not up to speed on their Industrial Wage Order (IWO) requirements may find themselves in court for violation of a little known requirement that employees be...