By Stacey Sommerhauser, SPHR-CA, SHRM- SCP We often receive questions from CA employers regarding when to pay non-exempt (hourly) employees for travel time. Here’s a “quick and dirty” reference to begin to understand the complexities of this additional...
Another Meal Period Decision for CA Employers
By Kim Silvers, SPHR-CA Good news for California employers last week... A California Court of Appeal determined in Hernandez v. Chipotle Mexican Grill that the employer must only provide meal periods for non-exempt employees, rather than ensure they are taken. ...
Whoa! Where Did Those Profits Go?
Whoa! Where Did Those Profits Go? By Cathy Rasmusson, MHA, Principal Consultant, Healthy Business Designs Times are lean - is your company keeping a competitive edge? Businesses are challenged every day with how to remain competitive and generate profits,...
Top 10 Tips for Working with Difficult People
The Top 10 Tips for Working with Difficult People Dealing with difficult people is ...well, difficult for most of us. Hostile and aggressive people put us on the defensive, cause us anxiety, frustrate our coping skills, and take us out of our comfort zones. Here...
New Paid Leave
New Paid Leave is Signed into Law for CA Employees By Susan Breslauer, SPHR California's first paid leave law was signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger on Sept 30, 2010. The new law will go into effect on January 1, 2011. Known as the Michelle Maykin...