Suspension as Discipline

Question: We want to suspend an employee to get his attention.  What do you think? John has been late a number of times over the last six months. His supervisor has given him a verbal warning, and a written warning. He’s been warned that one more tardy this month and...

Leaving Early

Question:  We have several hourly employees who work eight hours per day.  Currently they take a one-hour meal period after working four hours.  The employees would prefer to take a 30- minute meal period and leave 30 minutes earlier.  Is this permitted? Answer: ...

When An Employee Dies

By Jennifer L. Lippi, JD, SPHR, PHRca Although not a popular topic, it happens – someone dies while employed. Whether it is sudden or expected, the death of an employee can be challenging for staff and management.  Management may be unclear on the short and long-terms...

Layoffs – UGH!

Question:  We have to cut expenses significantly – and it’s come down to reducing headcount. What should we consider? Answer: From time to time employers are challenged with cutting payroll expenses. So what should you consider when you have to make that tough...

Salary Budget Trends for 2022

By Kim Silvers, SPHR, PHRca Employers are struggling to find the right mix of base compensation and incentives to attract and retain talent.  We all know of the “Great Resignation”, the dearth of candidates (no longer referred to as “viable candidates”) and the...