By Jennifer Lippi, SPHR, J.D.

As an employer in California, it’s important to stay informed about the various labor and employment laws that impact your business. Among these regulations are posting notice requirements, designed to ensure employees are aware of their rights and the responsibilities of their employers. While there are many posting notices to be aware of we want to share with you two new posting requirements. 

Workers’ Compensation Notice to Employees:  AB 1870 was signed by the Governor on July 15, 2024, and requires employers to advise employees of their right to consult with legal counsel regarding their rights under workers’ compensation laws.  This bill requires employers to post a notice of workers’ compensation benefits and coverages. 

Failure of an employer to provide the notice shall automatically permit the employee to be treated by their personal physician with respect to an injury occurring during that failure. In addition, the failure to properly post and maintain this notice constitutes a misdemeanor and is prima facie evidence of non-insurance by the employer.

The Notice can be found here.

Health Care Minimum Wage: After delayed implementation, California’s health care minimum wage finally went into effect on October 16, 2024, gradually increasing health care worker minimum wage to at least $25 an hour.  The health care worker minimum wage covers 20 different types of health care facilities, including most hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, in-home health agencies, in-patient mental health facilities and several types of clinics.

Healthcare employers must comply with the following notice requirements by October 16, 2024:

  • Post the minimum wage supplement for health care employees.  A copy of the notice can be found here.
  • Provide notice to employees in the language normally used to communicate employment-related information with employees of the new minimum wage schedule.