Who would have guessed a year ago that CA employers would be required to train every employee and manager in their firms this year on avoiding sexual harassment claims and other related topics?   As you may have heard by now, every CA employer with 5 or more employees and/or contractors must conduct sexual harassment prevention training in 2019 and every two years thereafter.  New hires and newly promoted supervisors/managers must be trained within six months of assignment.  We have classes and webinars available for all levels of employees and management.

Here are the essentials:

Supervisor/manager training (minimum 2 hours): All supervisors and managers must attend sexual harassment prevention training in 2019 under the new state law, SB 1343.  The Department of Fair Employment and Housing is holding fast to this requirement even if these leaders received training in 2018. 

You may have new supervisors/managers who need to be trained within 6 months of their assignment.  We have classes and webinars available for them.

Non-management/employee training (minimum 1 hour):  This required training is new for CA employees.  There are several options to ensure your team is trained.

Respect in the Workplace Training Options for Managers and Employees 

A. Onsite face to face classes for managers and employees can be scheduled at your location. Our classes are realistic and interactive.  And we’ve never lost anyone to sleep! 

B. Webinars for managers and employees (live and on-demand)

  • Live webinars – We continue to offer our monthly live/scheduled webinars for managers and for non-managers conducted by our Silvers HR consulting staff.   
  • NEW on-demand webinar offering – In addition, we have purchased a group license for on-demand webinars for managers and employees.  These are offered in English and Spanish. The beauty of on-demand webinars is that they can be completed at the student’s convenience and not in one sitting.  (Please remember that this is compensable time for your non-exempt employees.) 
  • Additional webinar topics for a great price – We also offer an upgraded subscription for additional on-demand webinars that include 13 other webinars for managers, including topics such as Interviewing, Terminations, Performance Management, Workplace Safety, and Drug and Alcohol Awareness.

C. Public face to face classes for managers and employees – These are scheduled in the Sacramento area for 2019 and listed on our training calendar on our website.

Our full 2019 training calendar is on our website at www.silvershr.com/training

Training must be interactive and conducted by trainers or educators with knowledge and expertise in the prevention of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. The State of CA has outlined the specific topics to be covered in each class. All of our classes/webinars above meet these requirements. The training must be completed by Jan 1, 2020.

Please contact our office at 916-791-8506 to learn more and register.